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Lakes made of tears

Lakes made of tears

We need to love. Even when it leads us to the land where the lakes are made of tears, to that secret, mysterious place, the land of tears!

Tears speak for themselves. And when we feel that we have cried all we needed to cry, they still continue to flow.

And just when we believe that our life is destined to be a long walk through the Vale of Sorrows, the tears suddenly vanish.
Because we managed to keep our heart open, despite the pain.

Because we realised that the person who left us did not take the sun with them or leave darkness in their place.

They simply left, and with every farewell comes a hidden hope.

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

- Paulo Coelho
Lakes made of tears Lakes made of tears Reviewed by Unknown on January 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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